Проект „Транс-Тракийска Връзка“
Contract Award Notice to Tender Procedure CB005.2.21.063 – PP2SUP
https://blog.haskovomuseum.com/wp-content/themes/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 РИМ-Хасково РИМ-Хасково https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/8a999222f9074dcf426808931a800738?s=96&d=identicon&r=gRegional Museum of History-Haskovo announces Contract Award Notice after completed Local open tender procedure for „Supply of Cloud GIS based Information system of the cultural and historical attractions in Haskovo/Edirne region in three languages (Bulgarian, Turkish, English)” with the financial assistance from the Interreg-IPA Bulgaria – Turkey CBC Programme. REF: CB005.2.21.063 – PP2SUP The Contract…
read moreTender procedure: Supply of Cloud GIS based Information system
https://blog.haskovomuseum.com/wp-content/themes/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 РИМ-Хасково РИМ-Хасково https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/8a999222f9074dcf426808931a800738?s=96&d=identicon&r=gSupply of Cloud GIS based Information system of the cultural and historical attractions in Haskovo/Edirne region in three languages (Bulgarian, Turkish, English), within project CB005.2.21.063 Publication reference: CB005.2.21.063-PP2SUP Regional Museum of History-Haskovo intends to award a supply contract for the supply of the following goods: Activity 1. Supply of Cloud GIS-based information system Cloud GIS based…
read moreПроект CB005.2.21.063, финансиран от INTERREG-IPA CBC Bulgaria – Turkey 2014-2020
https://blog.haskovomuseum.com/wp-content/themes/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 РИМ-Хасково РИМ-Хасково https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/8a999222f9074dcf426808931a800738?s=96&d=identicon&r=gРегионален исторически музей-Хасково и Търговска камара в Кешан подписаха договор за финансиране по оперативна програма Интеррег за трансгранично сътрудничество България – Турция 2014-2020 г. Проектът „Транс-Тракийска връзка“ цели да създаде информационна система, която значително ще увеличи туристическата активност и цялостния обмен на хора и подобряване на качеството на живот в районите на Одрин и Хасково.…
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